Managing Workplace Anxiety

Managing Workplace Anxiety

Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a normal reaction characterized by feelings of fear or apprehension. One of the leading places that individuals will experience anxiety or excessive stress is the workplace. While it is normal to have some fear or feel out of place at work occasionally, it can become a serious problem when the anxiety becomes unmanageable and keeps you from performing your everyday activities. Anxiety can have a negative impact on your quality of work, work performance, and affect your relationships with colleagues. Identifying your workplace anxiety and learning powerful coping strategies will help you to work with your anxiety, rather than against it.

With our Managing Workplace Anxiety course, your participants will learn resources and effective skills that will help them recognize and manage anxiety in the workplace. Participants will feel more confident in their professional environment, as well as more prepared to overcome the challenges that the workplace may bring.

What you'll learn from this course
  • Explore types of workplace anxieties
  • Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs
  • Determine ways of coping and managing
  • Recognize common triggers and accelerants
  • Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness

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Personal Development Bundle

Save over 80% by purchasing all 21 courses as a bundle

Adult Learning - Mental Skills

Discover the specifics of how the cognitive domain increases intellectual capability.

Adult Learning: Physical Skills

In this course, the focus is on the psychomotor domain

Attention Management

Attention management allows managers and employees to increase their productivity

Being A Likeable Boss

Participants will begin to see how important it is to develop better managerial skills

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion

Developing EI

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions.

Goal Setting

Covers strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination to get things done

Improving Mindfulness

Cultivate positive emotions that will have a dramatic effect.

Improving Self-Awareness

A highly self-aware person will become more equipped to deal with daily life and its challenges.

Increasing Your Happiness

Participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness

Job Search Skills

Searching for a job can be intimidating.

Life Coaching Essentials

Participants will discover how life coaching services can be utilized to achieve their goals

Managing Personal Finances

Teaches you the benefits of having a budget and how to build a budget that fits your needs

Managing Workplace Anxiety

Learn resources and effective skills that will help them recognize and manage anxiety

Personal Productivity

Participants will learn how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment...

Public Speaking

Become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience for a successful speaking event

Social Intelligence

Improve social skills with active listening, understanding body language and empathy

Social Learning

Learn new behaviors through observation and modeling, acquire a passion for learning.

Stress Management

Discover a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation

Taking Initiative

Learn what initiative is, how to take it on, the advantages of it, and when to know one's place

Work-Life Balance

Balancing a career with home life will provide benefits in each environment
